Custom poppy sculptures: Spring 2022

These four true-to-life poppy sculptures were created as a custom order for a garden club exhibit in New York. Each poppy in this series started with extensive research about the unique botanical details to make them as realistic as possible, and includes an open bloom, a bud, a seed pod, and foliage. The poppy varieties created for this project are: American Legion Papaver rhoeus, Icelandic Poppy Papaver nudicaule, Lauren’s Grape Papaver somniferum, and Princess Victoria Louise Papver oriantale. Each one is displayed on a walnut base with a small mound of paper “dirt” where the stem meets the base. If you are interested in getting a behind the scenes peek at how one of these poppies came together, check out the video below!


Here’s a quick peek from my Instagram feed: to stay up to date on what I’m working on day to day, please follow me on Instagram @ingailzepeterson.